Rayan Karakani, AFNA Graduate

Rayan Karakani, AFNA Graduate

I started at AFNA June 2019 and recently completed my course work there. I loved the experience and really had a great time learning about fitness and training.

When I first started at AFNA, I went in with what I thought was a good understanding of fitness. I quickly realized after the first week of class that there was a lot I did not know and so much I needed to learn. The wonderful instructors at AFNA thoroughly covered every important aspect of fitness and training, and provided both classroom instruction and hands on lab work that really enhanced my understanding of the subjects being taught.

By the time I reached my last quarter, I was prepared to take my ACSM exam, and in fact ended up taking it before the quarter was finished because I was so well prepared by the lessons I learned at AFNA. Not only that, I had built such a solid foundation that I decided to get an additional certification as a strength and conditioning coach.

To sum things up, I thoroughly enjoyed my time at AFNA, I learned a lot, and I made some good friends a long the way. I would highly recommend this school to anyone looking to become a personal trainer with a solid foundation that will give you the confidence to succeed in the real world.